Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Girl scene

On a Wednesday afternoon in autumn, the soft wind brings leaves to the front yard of our little wooden light brown house. It’s a constant cycle to sweep out the yellowish, brownish or greenish leaves most days. “That’s not how you sweep. Can you ever do anything I tell you to do right? - my mother yells. I keep brushing the giant pile of leaves harder and in a madly manner, messing the work I had fairly done.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Coke bottle filled with pennies on child’s dresser

A big brother is someone that his little sibling looks up to for guidance. He gives advice and listens to any trouble that torment his sibling. We build a unique trust between us that I will never betray. We play sports and video games together; the advice I give him are based on past experiences and lessons that I learned. One of the most important ones was an empty can of coke that I kept to place any spare change I acquire. It taught me to be patient as the things we want we can acquire later on in life. One day, I gave my empty can of coke to my brother telling him “keep this in your dresser and everyday fill it with any spare change you get and see how easy it is to fill”. Something so simple and yet the smile and joy he expressed was beyond words. Every day he would come home and fill the can with pennies; some he got from exploring the house, others from the floor in school, and some on the street floor. Something so simple and yet he filled it with earnest and excitement. One day he spotted a toy he wanted and told our parents he will buy it with his own hard earn money when he saved enough…