Thursday, March 17, 2016

Coke bottle filled with pennies on child’s dresser

A big brother is someone that his little sibling looks up to for guidance. He gives advice and listens to any trouble that torment his sibling. We build a unique trust between us that I will never betray. We play sports and video games together; the advice I give him are based on past experiences and lessons that I learned. One of the most important ones was an empty can of coke that I kept to place any spare change I acquire. It taught me to be patient as the things we want we can acquire later on in life. One day, I gave my empty can of coke to my brother telling him “keep this in your dresser and everyday fill it with any spare change you get and see how easy it is to fill”. Something so simple and yet the smile and joy he expressed was beyond words. Every day he would come home and fill the can with pennies; some he got from exploring the house, others from the floor in school, and some on the street floor. Something so simple and yet he filled it with earnest and excitement. One day he spotted a toy he wanted and told our parents he will buy it with his own hard earn money when he saved enough…

That was a few weeks ago…. 

Remember how I said I would never betray his trust…

Well, I fear that I’ll break that promise soon…

Somethings happen in my life, I felt betrayed by the one I felt in love with…

I felt inferior because of the reasons she left me and for whom she left with….

To try and forget I did what I could to reach that which people call cloud nine. A place where my worries and pain would leave me for a bit…

But when I got there I never wanted to leave…, but I needed money to pay the fee.
I “borrowed” from my parents and one or two friends said I needed it to pay a fee, but never told them about the place. When I discovered that I could not get it and keep my secret I remembered that can of coke filled with pennies in the dresser of my younger brother’s room…

I tried to fight it, this is the one and only person I cannot ask because there was a trust we built…

But the pain and stress is too much for me to handle. The people I had confidence on were of zero help. Only in cloud nine could I escape this feelings, but the fee was high and I had no cash…

In this moment standing in front of the dresser I saw our trust and bond…

Standing there in the open for all to see his hard work and it was all I needed to pay that damn fee…

But when I tried to reach it, I felt a cold shiver down my spine that rose to my head. I could feel eyes, the only eyes that actually saw how I change and how I really felt. Just staring in the dark background away from my vision.

I can’t turn to see those eyes because I have a feeling that they will show the two emotions or better yet show the results love can make for us, but still be cruel…




…so I turn and see with my point of view not a person or the eyes, but disappointment and understanding. How is it possible for someone so young that still has not reach my level in life just… know because it’s me…he knows why and what and even the end that this action will lead to. 

He speaks “take it” it hurts me

 “I know why, but I don’t get why you did not simply ask me for it”. That image of me he knew, the one that created that bond I wanted to protect it…

“You can just pay me back” I can’t pay you back this is my escape and I don’t want to stop going there… 

“I trust you WILL pay me back” and with a smile he says “I see where and how you go to that place, I don’t want you to go, but when you come back let’s play together again, you know I can’t get pass that boss” 

He left and I just fall to my knees and sob. He knew? I don’t know how or when, but he knew my secret place… my escape. He tried to put me at ease the only way he knew how, by asking me to spend time with him. Just playing a game with him or talking he just told me he listens to every word I say. Always paying close attention to how I say it and…

 I just forgot, I could simply talk to him about me…

He would tell me in the face his opinion and how to deal with my worries… 

so simple yet I thought he would not get it…

so simple yet I did not realize our bond was so stronger. That he would so easily figure out I was in a bad place…

so simple that all it would have taken me was spend some time with him and HE would have said the correct thing and give me time to heal…

so I did take the can of coke filled with pennies, but I just went to him and took him outside so we could talk besides the river bank. 

I told him what happen I told him the cause, the result and how I was taken to cloud nine for a fee. Opening my heart again to the only real person that would take it all. 

Do you want to know what he said at the end…

“well let’s use this money and get you better because I REALLY NEED HELP PASSING THAT LEVEL”

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